Between which among the following, the relationship is not an example of commensalism?

  • [NEET 2019]
  • A

    Orchid and the tree on which it grows

  • B

    Cattle Egret and grazing cattle

  • C

    Sea Anemone and Clown fish

  • D

    Female wasp and fig species

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A cokoo laying eggs in the nest of other species of birds is an example of

Level of competition between species depends on

$I.$ availability of resources

$II.$ population density

$III.$ group interaction of organism

Choose the correct combination

Select the correct match

$( I )$ $( II )$ $( III )$
$( a )+$ $( i )-$ $( P )$ Amensalism
$( b )-$ $( i )-$ $(Q)$ Commensalism
$( c )-$ $( i )0$ $(R)$ Predation
$( d )+$ $( i )0$ $(S)$ Competition

  • [AIIMS 2019]

Match the columns :

Column - $I$ Column - $II$
$(a)$ Cacti  $(i)$ Leguminous plants
$(b)$ Shade loving plants  $(ii)$ Commensalism
$(c)$ Halophytes $(iii)$ Pioneer community
$(d)$ Crustose lichen  $(iv)$ Plants growing in saline environment Xerophyte

$(e)$ Interspecific


 $(v)$ Xerophytes
$(f)$ Rhizobium  $(vi)$ Sciophytes


The principle of competitive exclusion was stated by

  • [NEET 2016]