Consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness associated with vitamin ‘$A$’ deficiency?
‘Flavr Savr’ tomato
Golden rice
The organism, which is used for gene transfer in higher plants is
Bt toxin gene have been expressed in plant in order to provide resistance against
$I.$ tobacco budworm and armyworm
$II.$ Beetles
$III.$ Flies and mosquitoes
Choose the correct option.
Given below are two statements:
Statement $I$ : Bt toxins are insect group specific and coded by a gene cry $IAc$.
Statement $II$ : Bt toxin exists as inactive protoxin in B. thuringiensis. However, after ingestion by the insect the inactive protoxin gets converted into active form due to acidic $\mathrm{pH}$ of the insect gut.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
The introduction of $T-DNA$ into plants involves
The process of $RNA$ interference $(RNAi)$ has been used in the development of plants resistant to