A bus decreases its speed from $80\, km\, h^{-1}$ to $50 \,km h ^{-1}$ in $4\, s$. Find the acceleration of the bus.
What does the slope of velocity$-$time graph represent ?
A train starting from rest picks up a speed of $10\, m s ^{-1}$ in $100\, s$. It continues to move at the same speed for the next $250\, s$. It is then brought to rest in the nert $50\, s$. Plot a speed$-$time graph for the entire motion of the train.
$(i)$ acceleration of the train while accelerating,
$(ii)$ retardation of the train while retarding,
$(iii)$ and the total distance covered by the train.
The speed$-$time graph of a body is a straiaht line parallel to time axis. The body has
Write true or false for the following statements
Velocity and speed are measured in different units.