$(a)$ Differentiate between speed and velocity.
$(b)$ When is a body said to have uniform velocity ?
$(c)$ How can we describe the position of an object ? Illustrate with suitable example.
$(a)$ Speed is distance travelled per unit time while velocity is displacement per unit time. Speed is always positive while velocity can be zero, negative or positive.
$(b)$ Velocity is said to be uniform, if a body covers equal displacements in equal intervals of time.
$(c)$ The position of an object can be described with respect to an origin or some reference point. Flight of a bird with respect to the earth.
Write true or false for the following statements
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity.
If the displacement$-$time graph for a particle is parallel to time axis, what is the velocity of the particle ?
The distance$-$time graph of two trains are given below. The trains start simultaneously in the same direction.
$(i)$ How much ahead of $A$ is $B$ when the motion starts ?
$(ii)$ What is the speed of $B$ ?
$(iii)$ When and where $A$ will catch $B$ ?
$(iv)$ What is the difference between the speeds of $A$ and $B$ ?
$(v)$ Is the speed of either trains uniform or non uniform ? Justify your answer.
$(a)$ A car moving with uniform velocity $'u^{\prime}$ and uniform acceleration $'a^{\prime}$ covers a distance $'S^{\prime}$ in time $'t^{\prime}$. Draw its velocity $-$ time graph and derive an expression relating all the given physical quantities.
$(b)$ A boy revolves a stone tied to a string $0.7 \,m$ long. Find the distance and displacement covered by the stone in completing two revolutions from starting point.
A frog hops along a straight line path from point $'A^{\prime}$ to point ${ }^{\prime} B ^{\prime}$ in $10\, s$ and then turns and hops to point ${ }^{\prime} C^{\prime}$ in another $5\, s$. Calculate the average speed and average velocity of the frog for the motion between $(a)(A)$ to $(B)(b)(A)$ to $(C)($ through $B)$