$A$ : Colostrum is a very efficient means of transferring immunity to a newborn.
$R$ : IgM from mother’s milk protects the baby from the respiratory infection usually affecting in young age.
Assertion and Reason both are correct and also correct explanation.
Assertion and Reason both are correct but not explanation of assertion.
Assertion is correct, but Reason is incorrect.
Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
Passive immunity can be obtained by injecting
Assertion : Organ transplantation patients are given immunosuppressive drugs.
Reason : Transplanted tissue has antigens which stimulate the specific immune response of the recipient.
Match the following columns
Column $-I$ | Column $-II$ |
$(A)$ Physical barriers | $(1)$ Interferon |
$(B)$ Physiological barriers | $(2)$ Leukocytes |
$(C)$ Cellular barriers | $(3)$ Tears |
$(D)$ Cytokinin barriers | $(4)$ skin |
$A$ $B$ $C$ $D$
Definitions / Explanation : $B$-lymphocytes & $T$-lymphocytes
Which of the following is an autoimmune disorder?