$X$ -ray diffration data produced by ........ and……..
James Watson and Francis Crick
Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick
Erwin Chargaff and Rosalind Franklin
Maurice Wikins and Rosalind Franklin
Which of the following is genetically inert and does not transcribe messenger $RNA$ for protein synthesis
Which one of the following peak absorption of ultraviolet light by heterocyclic bases $(Nitrogen bases)$
At a particular locus, frequency of $‘A’$ allele is $0.6$ and that of $‘a’$ is $0.4$. What would be the frequency of heterozygotes in a random mating population of equilibrium
Pribnow box is a consensus of $. .. . ...$ bases, forming a binding site for $E.$ coli $RNA$ polymerase at promotor
In lac operon, the regulator gene codes for