$A$......... infects the roots of tobacco plants which reduce the production of tobacco.
Nematode (Meloidegyne incognitia)
Coleopterans (beetles)
Lepidopterns (armyworm)
Dipterans (Mosquitoes)
The green revolution succeeded in increasing the yield of crops mainly due to the use of
$I.$ improved varieties of the crops
$II.$ Agro-chemicals
$III.$ Better management practices
Choose the correct option.
$B t$ cotton variety that was developed by the introduction of toxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis $(Bt)$ is resistant to
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
$I.$ Chemical fertilizers cause pollution of water bodies as well as groundwater, besides getting stored in crop plants. Therefore, environmental scientists are pressing for a switch over to organic farming.
$II.$ Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest Select the correct statement
The organism, which is used for gene transfer in higher plants is