A body thrown in the vertically upward direction rises upto a height $'h^{\prime}$ and comes back to the position of its start.
Calculate :
$(a)$ the total distance travelled by the body and
$(b)$ the displacement of the body. Under what condition will the magnitude of the displacement be equal to the distance travelled by an object ?
$(a)$ Since it travels a distance $h$ upwards and $h$ downwards, therefore, total distance travelled is $h+h=2 h$
$(b)$ As the body returns to its point of throw, therefore, displacement is zero.
Magnitude of displacement can be equal to the distance travelled, if the object is moving along a straight line.
A train is travelling at a speed of $90\, km h ^{-1}$. Breaks are applied so as to produce a uniform acceleration of $0.5\, m s ^{-2}$. Find how far the train will go before it is brought to rest.
Write any two equations of motion for a body having uniform acceleration.
An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius nearly $42.250 \,km .$ Calculate its linear velocity, if it takes $24$ hour to revolve round the earth.
There are 5 houses on a street, $A, B, C, D$ and $E$. For all cases, assume that positions to the right are positive.
$(i)$ Draw a frame of reference with house $A$ as the origin and the positions of houses $B, C, D$ and $E$.
$(ii)$ You live in house $C.$ What is your position relative to house $E$ ?
$(iii)$ What are the positions of houses $A$ and $D$, if house $B$ is taken as the reference point ?
The following displacement $-$ time graph shows the positions of a body at different times, Calculate the velocity of the body as it moves from : $(i) A-B \,(i i) B-C$ $(iii)$ $C-D$.