A cork is submerged in water by a spring attached to the bottom of a bowl. When the bowl is kept in an elevator moving with acceleration downwards, the length of spring
Remains unchanged
None of these
A hemispherical bowl just floats without sinking in a liquid of density $1.2 × 10^3kg/m^3$. If outer diameter and the density of the bowl are $1 m$ and $2 × 10^4 kg/m^3$ respectively, then the inner diameter of the bowl will be........ $m$
A cube of ice floats partly in water and partly in kerosene oil. The radio of volume of ice immersed in water to that in kerosene oil (specific gravity of Kerosene oil $=0.8$, specific gravity of ice $=0.9$ )
Acork of density $0.5\ gcm^{-3}$ floats on a calm swimming pool. The fraction of the cork’s volume which is under water is ........ $\%$
Two non-mixing liquids of densities $\rho $ and $n \rho \,(n > 1)$ are put in a container. The height of each liquid is $h.$ A solid cylinder of length $L$ and density $d$ is put in this container. The cylinder floats with its axis vertical and length $\rho L (\rho < 1)$ in the denser liquid. The density $d$ is equal to
Construction of submarines is based on