A layer of coke is spread over bauxite during electrolytic reduction of alumina by Hall-Heroult process. This layer acts as a/an:

  • A


  • B

    slag to remove impurities

  • C

    reducing agent

  • D

    insulation and does not allow heat to escape

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Match List $I$ with List $II$. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

List $-I$ List $-II$

$A.$ Melting point $[\mathrm{K}]$ 

$I.$ $\mathrm{Tl}>\mathrm{In}>\mathrm{Ga}>\mathrm{Al}>\mathrm{B}$

$B.$ Ionic Radius $\left[\mathrm{M}^{+3} / \mathrm{pm}\right]$

$II.$ $\mathrm{B}>\mathrm{Tl}>\mathrm{Al} \approx \mathrm{Ga}>\mathrm{In}$
$C.$ $\Delta_{\mathrm{i}} \mathrm{H}_1 $ $ [\mathrm{~kJ} \mathrm{~mol}^{-1}]$ $III.$ $\mathrm{Tl}>\mathrm{In}>\mathrm{Al}>\mathrm{Ga}>\mathrm{B}$
$D.$ Atomic Radius $[pm]$ $IV.$ $\mathrm{B}>\mathrm{Al}>\mathrm{Tl}>\mathrm{In}>\mathrm{Ga}$

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