A log of wood of mass $120 Kg$ floats in water. The weight that can be put on the raft to make it just sink, should be ....... $Kg$ (density of wood = $600 Kg/m^3$)
$80 $
$50 $
$60 $
$30 $
A right circular cylinder has a mass $m$, radius $r$, and a height $h$. The cylinder is completely submerged in a fluid of density $\rho$, as shown in the diagram. What is the magnitude of the net force on the cylinder?
If $W$ be the weight of a body of density $\rho $ in vacuum then its apparent weight in air of density $\sigma $ is
A hemispherical bowl just floats without sinking in a liquid of density $1.2 × 10^3kg/m^3$. If outer diameter and the density of the bowl are $1 m$ and $2 × 10^4 kg/m^3$ respectively, then the inner diameter of the bowl will be........ $m$
A solid sphere of specific gravity $27$ has a concentric spherical cavity and it just sinks in water. The ratio of cavity radius to that of outer radius of sphere is
The spring balance $A$ reads $2$ $kg$ with a block $m $ suspended from it. $A$ balance $B$ reads $5$ $kg$ when a beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance. The two balances are now so arranged that the hanging mass is inside the liquid in the beaker as shown in the figure in this situation: