A man sells a scooter to his friend at $10 \%$ loss. If the friend sells it for $RS.\, 4000$ and gains $20\%,$ find out the original cost price of the scooter. (in $Rs.$)
None of these
If the selling price of $\frac{2}{3}$ of a certain quantity of milk be equal to the cost price of whole milk, then what will be the gain percent in this transaction?
A man sold a cow at a loss of $12 \%$. If he had been able to sell it at a gain of $6 \%,$ it would have etched $Rs\,72$ more than it did. What was the cost price?
In these questions, two equations mabered $I$ and $II$ are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option..
$I$. $6 x^{2}+19 x+15=0$
$II$.$3 y^{2}+11 y+10=0$
A person earns $15 \%$ on investment but loses $10 \%$ on another investment. If the ratio of the two investments be $3: 5,$ what is the gain or loss on the two investments taken together in $\%$?
Maninder bought two horses at $Rs.\, 40,000$ each. He sold one horse at $15 \%$ gain, but had to sell the second horse at a loss. If he had suffered a loss of $Rs.3,600$ on the whole transaction, then the selling price of the second horse is (in $Rs.$)