A particle of specific charge (charge/mass) $\alpha$ starts moving from the origin under the action of an electric field $\vec E = {E_0}\hat i$ and magnetic field $\vec B = {B_0}\hat k$. Its velocity at $(x_0 , y_0 , 0)$ is ($(4\hat i + 3\hat j)$ . The value of $x_0$ is: 

  • A

    $\frac{{13}}{2}\frac{{\alpha {E_0}}}{{{B_0}}}$

  • B

    $\frac{{16\,\alpha {B_0}}}{{{E_0}}}$

  • C

    $\frac{{25}}{{2\alpha {E_0}}}$

  • D

    $\frac{{5\alpha }}{{2{B_0}}}$

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  • [AIEEE 2005]