A shopkeeper has to sell $24\, Kg$ of sugar. He sells a part of these at a gain of $20 \%$ and the rest at a loss of $5 \% .$ If on the whole he earns a profit of $10 \%$, the amount of Sugar sold at a loss is in $Rs.$?
Cannot be determined
A shopkeeper sells $20$ pencils for the same amount of money as he paid for $25$ pencils. What is his gain percent?
There is a profit of $20 \%$ on the cost price of an article. The per cent of profit, when calculated on selling price is.......$\%$
A sells his house worth $Rs.\, 10\, lakh$ to $B$ at a loss of $10 \% .$ Later $B$ sells it back to $A$ at $10 \%$ profit. The result of the two transactions is
The ratio between selling price and cost price of an article is $7: 5 .$ What is the ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article?
A garment company declared $15 \%$ discount for wholesale buyers. Mr. Ashish bought garments from the company for $Rs.\, 25000$ after getting discount. He fixed up the selling price of garments in such a way that he earned a profit of $8 \%$ on original company price. What is the approximate total selling price? (in $Rs.$)