A sphere, a cube and a disc all of the same material, quality and volume are heated to $600\,^oC$ and left in air. Which of these will have the lowest rate of cooling ?
All will have same rate
There are two spherical balls $A$ and $B$ of the same material with same surface, but the diameter of $A$ is half that of $B$. If $A$ and $B$ are heated to the same temperature and then allowed to cool, then
The graph. Shown in the adjacent diagram, represents the variation of temperature $(T)$ of two bodies, $x$ and $y$ having same surface area, with time $(t)$ due to the emission of radiation. Find the correct relation between the emissivity
On what does the proportionality constant depends given in Newton's law of cooling.
A black body calorimeter filled with hot water cools from $60^o C$ to $50^o C$ in $4 \,\,min$ and $40^o C$ to $30^o C$ in $8 \,\min$. The approximate temperature of surrounding is ........ $^oC$