After culturing the anther of a plant, a few diploid plants were found along with haploid plants. The diploid plants could have arisen from
Generative cell of pollen
Cells of anther wall
Vegetative cell of pollen
Exine of pollen wall example showing external fertilization
Which one of the following generates new genetic combinations leading to variation?
In a practical test, a student has to identify the organisms in which syngamy does not occur. In those organisms the female gamete undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilization. This phenomenon is called $"X"$. Identify the organisms and the phenomenon $"X".$
Which of the following option is not correct about sexual reproduction
$(I)$ Gametes fuse to form the zygote
$(II)$ It is an elaborate, complex and fast process as compared to asexual reproduction
$(III)$ Offspring sare not identical to the parents
Choose correct option ($T$ = true, $F$ = false).
- If zygote develops out side the body, the animal is oviparous.
- In flowering plants, zygote is formed inside the ovule.
- During embryogenesis, embryo show only cell differentiation.
- In flowering plants, the ovary develops into the fruit.