An archaeologist analyses the wood in a prehistoric structure and finds that $C^{14}$ (Half life $= 5700\, years$) to $C^{12}$ is only one-fourth of that found in the cells of buried plants. The age of the wood is about ..........$years$
Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay
The count rate of a Geiger- Muller counter for the radiation of a radioactive material of half life of $30\, minutes$ decreases to $5\,{s^{ - 1}}$ after $2\, hours.$ The initial count rate was..........${s^{ - 1}}$
Explain decay constant and write down its definition.
A radio-isotope has a half- life of $5$ years. The fraction of the atoms of this material that would decay in $15$ years will be
A sample of radioactive material $A$, that has an activity of $10\, mCi\, (1\, Ci = 3.7 \times 10^{10}\, decays/s)$, has twice the number of nuclei as another sample of different radioactive material $B$ which has an activity of $20\, mCi$. The correct choices for half-lives of $A$ and $B$ would then be respectively