An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit of radius nearly $42.250 \,km .$ Calculate its linear velocity, if it takes $24$ hour to revolve round the earth.
Given $r=42.250 km , T =24$ hours $=86400 s$
The linear velocity is given by the expression
$v=\frac{2 \pi r}{ T }=\frac{2 \times 3.14 \times 42250}{86400}=3.07 \approx 3.1 km s ^{-1}$
The following table shows the positive of Renu, while she is going to her school. Draw distance$-$time graph for her motion.
Time | Distance from her home $( k m )$ |
$06: 45\, am$ | $0$ |
$07: 00 \,am$ | $8$ |
$01: 30\, pm$ | $8$ |
$01: 45\, pm$ | $0$ |
Give examples to distinguish
$(i)$ Distance and displacement.
$(ii)$ Speed and velocity.
$(iii)$ Acceleration and retardation.
The position$-$time graph for the motion of a car is given below
$(i)$ How far the car tavelled in the time interval $2$ to $6 s ?$
$(ii)$ During which interval of time its speed was more?
$(iii)$ Calculate the average speed of the car.
What do uou understand by the term acceleration ? When is it positive and when is it negative ?
Obtain a relation for the distance travelled by an object moving with a uniform acceleration in the interval between $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ seconds.