An autoimmune disease is
$Myasthenia gravis$
Which of the following are Autoimmune disorders?
$A$. Myasthenia gravis $B$. Rheumatoid arthritis
$C$. Gout $D$. Muscular dystrophy
$E$. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ($SLE$)
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
Consider the following statements
$I.$ People should get vaccination to avoid infection
$II.$ Vaccination is available against polio, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis and many othe disease
$III.$ Eradication of vectors are necessary in diseases like malaria and filariasis
$IV. $ Dengue and chikengunya, both are spread by Culex mosquitoes
Which of the statements given above are correct?
$T$- Lymphocytes originate from
Definitions / Explanation : Antingen & Lymphoid organs.
What would happen to immune system, if thymus gland is removed from the body of a person ?