Androgen binding protein which helps in concentrating testosterone in the seminiferous tubule, and which inhibits $ICSH$ secreted by anterior pituitary and $GnRH$ production by hypothalamus is secreted by
Cells of Leydig
Sustentacular cells
Interstitial cells
Spermatogonial cells
Prostate gland surrounds the $...A....$ It produces milky, slightly alkaline solution which forms $...B..$ volume of the semen. The secretion contains $...C...$ acid and enzymes (acid phosphates, amylase pepsinogen and prostaglandins). $A$, $B$ and $C$ in the above statement is
The amnion and chorion consist of which type of composition
Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone known as
Corpus luteum is developed from
The placenta of human beings belong to the category of