Apply Bohr’s atomic model to a lithium atom. Assuming that its two $K$-shell electrons are too close to nucleus such that nucleus and $K$-shell electron act as a nucleus of effective positive charge equivalent to electron. The ionization energy of its outermost electron is......$eV$
An alpha nucleus of energy $\frac{1}{2}mv^2$ bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge $Ze.$ Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to
In the spectrum of hydrogen atom, the ratio of the longest wavelength in Lyman series to thelongest wavelength in the Balmer series is
A beam of fast moving alpha particles were directed towards a thin film of gold. The parts $A',\;B'$ and $C'$of the transmitted and reflected beams corresponding to the incident parts $A, B$ and $C$ of the beam, are shown in the adjoining diagram. The number of alpha particles in
Show the trajectory of $\alpha -$ particle of different impact parameter and using it how did Rutherford determine the upper limit of the nuclear size ?
Particles used in the Rutherford's scattering experiment to deduce the structure of atoms