At a cost of $60$ paise per article, Sarika produces $750$ articles. She puts the selling price such that if only $600$ articles are sold, she would have made a profit of $40 \%$ on the outlay. However, $120$ articles got spoilt and she was able to sell $630$ articles at this price. Find her actual profit or loss percent as the percentage of total outlay assuming that the unsold articles are useless.
$47 \%$ profit
$51 \%$ profit
$36 \%$ loss
$28 \%$ loss
A trader buys good at $20 \%$ discount on marked price. If he wants to make a profit of $25 \%$ after allowing a discount of $20 \%$, by what percent should his marked price be greater than the original marked price?
Two toys are sold at $Rs.\,504$ each. One toy brings the dealer a gain of $12 \%$ and the other a loss of $4 \%$. The gain or loss per cent by selling both the toys is
Amit purchased $13$ chair of $Rs.\, 115$ each and sold all at $Rs.\, 1220.$ Then find the profit or Loss on the transaction
$A$ and $B$ jointly made a profit of $Rs.\, 1650$ and they decided to share it such that $\frac{1}{3}$ of $A$ 's profit is equal to $\frac{2}{5}$ of $B$ 's profit. Then profit of $B$ is (in $Rs.$)
A shopkeeper expects a gain of $22 \frac{1}{2} \%$ on his cost price. If in a week, his sale was of $Rs. \,392$ what was his profit? (in $Rs$)