Biofertilizers include
Cowdung manure and farmyard waste
A quick growing crop ploughed back
$BGA$/Anabaena and Azolla
All the above
Assertion : Nitrogen-fixing enzyme in legume root nodules function at low oxygen concentration.
Reason : Low oxygen concentration is provided by leghaemoglobin.
The main sources of biofertilisers are
$(a)$ Bacteria
$(b)$ Cyanobacteria
$(c)$ Fungi
$(d)$ Protists
Aquatic fern which is an excellent biofertilizer
Azolla is used as a biofertiliser because it
Which of the following are the part or example of symbiotic mutualistic association?
$I.$ Yeast
$II.$ Rhizobium
$III.$ Mycorrhiza
$IV.$ Oscillatoria