Biological name of insect (vector) carrying the plague
Xenopcylla cheopis
Anopheles mosquito
Bacillus pestis
Pediculus humanus
What is true about $T-lymphocytes$ is mammals?
Which group of three of the following five statements $(I-V)$ contains is correct regarding beriberi?
$I.$ A crippling disease prevalent among the native population of sub-Sahara Africa.
$II.$ A deficiency disease caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin- $B_{1}$ ).
$III.$ A nutritional disorder in infants and young children when the diet is persistantly deficient in essential protein.
$IV.$ Occurs in those countries where the staple diet is polished rice.
$V.$ The symptoms are pain from neuritis, paralysis, muscle wasting, progressive oedema, mental deterioration and finally heart failure.
The name of drug used in cancer treatment produced by biotechnology is
Haemoglobin of the human blood forms a stable complex compound with which of the following gas leading to death?
What precautions are required for disease spreading through vectors?