By selling $90$ pens for $Rs.\, 80$ a man loses $20 \%$. What should be the selling price (in $Rs.$) of $90$ pens for $20\%$ profit?
Profit earned by selling an article of $Rs.\, 1630$ is same as the loss incurred by selling the article for $Rs.$ $1320 .$ What is the $CP$ in $Rs$?
The marked price of a watch was $Rs.\,720.$ A man bought the same for $Rs.\, 550.80$ after getting two successive discounts, the first being $10 \% .$ The second discount rate is.......$\%$
Aditya bought a scooter for a certain sum of Money. He spend $15 \%$ of cost price on repair and sold it for a profit on $Rs.$ $1104.$ What will he spend on repair if profit he got was $20 \%$ in $Rs.?$
Anil started a business with an investment of $Rs.\,25,000.$ After $3\, months,$ Vishal joined his business with a capital of $Rs.\, 30,000$. At the end of the $year,$ they have made a profit of $Rs.\, 19,000$ what will be Anil's share in the profit? (in $Rs.$)
$'A'$ buys an article and sells it to $'B'$ at a profit of $10 \%,{ }^{\prime} B ^{\prime}$ sells it to $'C ^{\prime}$ gaining $20 \% .$ If $'C ^{\prime}$ gives $RS.\,924,$ what amount did $'A'$ give? (in $Rs.$)