By selling an article for $Rs.\, 21,$ a man lost such that the percentage loss was equal to the cost price. The cost price of the article was (in $Rs.$)
Arun marks up the computer he is selling by $20 \%$ profit and sells them at a discount of $15 \%$. Arun's net gain percent is
If a radio is purchased for $Rs.\, 490$ and sold for $Rs.$ $465.50 .$ Find the $\operatorname{loss} \% ?$
After selling $5 \%$ of a quantity of sugar, $5\, kg$ of sugar remains. Find the total quantity of sugar. in $kg$
The profit earned by selling an article for $Rs. 832$ is equal to the loss incurred when the same article is sold for $Rs. 448.$ What should be the selling price for making $50\%$ profit? (in $Rs.$)
Amit purchased $13$ chair of $Rs.\, 115$ each and sold all at $Rs.\, 1220.$ Then find the profit or Loss on the transaction