Choose the correct combination of labelling the hormonal control of female reprodcutive system
$(a)-GnRH (b)-TSH(c)-LTH (d)-uterus$
$(a)-GnRH (b)-LH/FSH (c) -estrogen\ or\ progesterone (d)-uterus$
$(a)-GnRH (b)-STH (c)-LH (d)-uterus$
$(a)-GnRH (b)-ACTH (c)-LH (d)-uterus$
Capacitation refers to changes in the
Amniotic fluid is found in
Mammary glands are modified
Both corpus luteum and macula lutea are
$A$ : Blastocyst undergoes gastrulation to produce the three germinal layers.
$R$ : This involves cell movements (morphogenetic movement) that eventually help to attain new shape and morphology of embryo