Cri-du-chat syndrome in humans is caused by the
trisomy of $21^{st}$ chromosome
fertilization of an $XX$ egg by a normal $Y$-bearing sperm
loss of half of the short arm of chromosome $5$
loss of half of the long arm of chromosome $5$
Polytene chromosomes were first observed by
The total number of nitrogenous bases in human genome is estimated to be about
Few genes are found in all types cells of differentiated multicellular organisms of high class. It is called
In eukaryotes, the $RNA$ polymerase that synthesises $tRNA$ is $RNA$ polymerase ______ and is also responsible for formation of ______ $rRNA$.
If a certain group of cells utilise the amino acid glycine exclusively for protein synthesis, and if a growing culture of these cells is fed radioactive glycine, radioactivity will be found first in the