Cruciferae differ from Malvaceae in the presence of

  • [AIPMT 1992]
  • A

    Multicarpellary unilocular ovary and siliqua fruit

  • B

    Multicarpellary multilocular ovary and capsule fruit

  • C

    Monocarpellary, multilocular ovary with capsule fruit

  • D

    Multicarpellary unilocular ovary and cypsella fruit

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Which type of sepal aestivation is found in Solanaceae family?

Consider the following four statements $(i), (ii),(iii)$ and $(iv)$ and select the right option for two correct statements.

Statements :

$(i)$ In vexillary aestivation, the large posterior petal is called­standard, two lateral ones are wings and two small anterior petals are termed keel.

$(ii)$ The floral formula for Liliaceae is (image 1)

$(iii)$ Inpeaflowerthestamensare monadelphous.

$(iv)$ The floral formula for Solanaceae is (image 2)

The correct statements are

  • [AIPMT 2010]

The condition of stamens in Cruciferae family is correctly expressed as

Butterfly shaped flower with one stranded, two wing-like and two keeled petal belong to

  • [AIIMS 2000]

Stem is herbaceous in family.