Distinguish between families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae on the basis of gynoecium characteristics (with figures). Also write economic importance of any one of the above family.
$\rightarrow$ the difference of above three families on the basis of their gynocium.
Gynoecium Characteristics | Fabaceae | Solanaceae | Liliaceae |
Carpels | Monocarpellary apocarpus, single | Bicarpellary, Syncarpous | Tricarpellary syncarpous |
Ovary | Superior one chambered | Superior bichambered $2-4- $chambers in Tomato | Superior |
Ovules | Valvet, two in alternate rows | Many in each chamber | trilocular |
Placentation | Valvet | Axile | more than two ovules in each chamber. |
Style | Oblique, one | Straight | Straight but attached or free |
Stigma | Simple and round | Simple and chambered | Simple tri chambered |
floral formula |
$\%, K_{5} C_{1+2+(2)}$ $A_{1+(9)} G_{(1)}$ |
$\oplus, K_{(5)} \mathrm{C}_{5}$ and $A_{5}, \underline{G}_{(2)}$ | $B r, \oplus, P_{3+3} \quad A_{3+3}, \underline{G}_{(3)}$ |
Flower is zygomorphic in this family
Assertion : In fabaceae family monocarpellary, unilocular ovary is present
Reason : In fabaceae, placentation is parietal
Bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in
Mention vegetative characters and floral characters of fabaceae family.