Distinguish between families - Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae on the basis of gynoecium characteristics (with figures). Also write economic importance of any one of the above family.

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$\rightarrow$ the difference of above three families on the basis of their gynocium.

Gynoecium Characteristics Fabaceae Solanaceae Liliaceae
Carpels Monocarpellary apocarpus, single Bicarpellary, Syncarpous   Tricarpellary syncarpous
Ovary Superior one chambered  Superior bichambered $2-4- $chambers in Tomato Superior
Ovules Valvet, two in alternate rows Many in each chamber trilocular
Placentation Valvet Axile more  than two ovules in each chamber.
Style Oblique, one Straight Straight but attached or free
Stigma Simple and round Simple and chambered   Simple tri chambered
floral formula

$\%, K_{5} C_{1+2+(2)}$ 

$A_{1+(9)} G_{(1)}$

$\oplus, K_{(5)} \mathrm{C}_{5}$ and $A_{5}, \underline{G}_{(2)}$  $B r, \oplus, P_{3+3} \quad A_{3+3}, \underline{G}_{(3)}$


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