Give difference : Atrium and Ventricles

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Auricles/Atria ventricles
$(1)$ It is located in the upper broad part of the heart.  $(1)$They are located towards the lower end of the heart.
$(2)$ It has thin wall.  $(2)$ It has thick wall.
$(3)$ Atria are smaller in size than ventricles.  $(3)$ Ventricles are bigger in size than auricles.
$(4)$  Deoxygenated blood is circulated in atria.  $(4)$ Oxygenated blood is circulated in ventricles


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$(a)$ Tricuspid valve

$(i)$ Between left atrium and left ventricle

$(b)$ Bicuspid valve

$(ii)$ Between right ventricle and pulmonary artery

$(c)$ Semilunar valve

$(iii)$  Between right atrium and right ventricle

  • [NEET 2018]

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