Give differences : Haemophilia and Sickle-cell Anaemia

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Haemophilia Sickle-cell Anaemia
$(1)$ It occur due to a defective recessive allele present on the $X$-chromosome. $(1)$ It occurs due to point mutation i.e. a single base pair change leads to a change in amino acid.
$(2)$ The defective allele produce nonfunctional protein which later form a non-functional protein which later form a non-functional cascade of protein involving in blood clotting $(2)$ In this glutamic ($Glu$) acid is replaced by Valine ($Val$) at sixth position of beta globin chain of haemoglobin molecule.
$(3)$ It is a sex-linked recessive disorder. $(3)$ It is an autosomal linked recessive disorder.
$(4)$ More males are affected than females. $(4)$ Both males and females are affected equally.


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:Match the columns :

Column $I$
Column $II$
$(a)$ Sickle cell anaemia  $(x)$ Homogentisic acid
$(b)$ Alkaptonuria $(y)$  Melanin pigmentsare absent
$(c)$ Albinism $(z)$  More amount of phenyl alanine
$(d)$ Phenyl Ketonuria $(w)$  Defective haemoglobin

Sex linked disease is

Sickle cell anaemia is due to

  • [AIPMT 1990]

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