Give differences: Commensalism and Mutualism.
Commensalism | Mutualism |
$(1)$ One species is benefitted, other remains unaffected. | $(1)$ Both species are mutually benefitted. |
$(2)$ $(+),(0)$ interaction | $(2)$ $(+),(+)$ interaction |
$(3)$ e.g., epiphytes on host plant, clown fish- sea anemone | $(3)$ e.g., rhizobium-legume, mycorrhiza |
In commensalism
Examples of chemicals produced by plants as a defense against grazers and browsers
$I.$ Nicotine
$II.$ Caffeine
$III.$ Quinine
$IV.$ Strychnine
$V.$ Opium
Choose the correct combination
In which of the following interactions both partners are adversely affected?
You never see any cattle or goat browsing on Calotropis due to
$A$ predator