Given diagram refers to spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans. Identify $A$ to $H$ correctly.
$A-$Spermatogonia, $B-$Secondary spermatocytes, $C-$Primary spermatocytes, $D-$Spermatids, $E-$Primary oocyte, $F-$Secondary oocyte,$G-$First polar body, $H-$Second polar body
$A-$Spermatogonia, $B-$ Primary spermatocytes, $C-$Secondary spermatocytes, $D-$Spermatids, $E-$ Secondary oocyte, $F-$Secondary oocyte, $G-$First polar body, $H-$Second polar body
$A-$Spermatogonia, $B-$Primary spermatocytes, $C-$Secondary spermatocytes, $D-$Spermatids, $E-$Primary oocyte, $F-$Secondary oocyt $G-$First polar body, $H-$Second polar body
$A-$Spermatogonia, $B-$Primary spermatocytes, $C-$Secondary spermatocytes, $D-$Spermatids, $E-$Primary oocyte, $F-$Secondary oocyte, $G-$First polar body, $H-$ Second polar body
Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of a portion of human male reproductive system. Which of the following part contributes to the maximum portion of semen?
Neural canal develops from
From where spermatogenesis starts ?
During the fourth and sixth cleavage of the zygote
Which type of placenta is present in the early human embryo?