Haemophillic man marries a normal woman. Their offsprings will be

  • [AIPMT 1999]
  • A

    All girls

  • B

    All normal

  • C

    All haemophillic

  • D

    All boys haemophillic

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Pick out the correct statements.

$I.$ Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease

$II.$ Down's syndrome is due to aneuploidy

$III.$ Phenylketonuria is an autosomal dominant gene disorder

$IV.$ Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder

$V.$ Sickle cell anaemia is an $X$-linked recessive gene disorder

$A$ : Sickel cell anaemia occurs due to the point mutation.
$R$ : $mRNA$ produced from $Hb(s)$ gene has $GAG$ instead of $GUG$.