Half of $100$ articles were sold at a profit of $20 \%$ and the rest at a profit of $40 \% .$ If all of the articles had been sold at a profit of $25 \%,$ the total profit would have been $Rs.\,100$ less than earlier profit. The cost price of each article was (in $Rs.$)
A sells a suitcase to $B$ at $10 \%$ profit. $B$ cells it to $C$ at $30 \%$ profit. If $C$ pays $Rs.\, 2,860$ for it, then the price at which A bought it is (in $Rs.$)
The cost price of $12$ tables is equal to the selling price of $16$ tables. The loss percent is
A shopkeeper purchased $245$ pieces of an article at $Rs$. $30$ per piece. He spent $Rs.$ $980$ on transport and $Rs.$ $1470$ on packing the articles. He sold the articles at the rate of $Rs.$ $50$ per piece. What is the percent profit earned?
A dealer buys a table listed at $Rs.\, 600$ and gets successive discount of $10 \%$ and $20 \% .$ What is his profit or loss percent if he sells at $Rs.$ $540 ?$
A dealer buys an article listed at $Rs.\, 100$ and gets successive discounts of $10 \%$ and $20 \% .$ He spends $10 \%$ of the Cost Price on transportation. At what price should he sell the article to earn a profit of $15 \% ?$ (in $Rs.$)