Identify the blank spaces $A, B, C, D$ given in the following table and select the correct answer

Types of Micro bes Scientific Name Product Medical Application




Monascus Purpureus





  • A

    $A-$Trichoderma polysporum, $B-$As an immunosuppressive agent in organ transplant patients, $C-$Yeast, $D-$as blood-cholesterol lowering agent

  • B

    $A-$Trichoderma polysporum, $B-$As blood-cholesterol lowering agent, $C-$Protozoa, $D-$ As an immunosuppressive agent in organ transplant patients

  • C

    $A-$Clostridium butylicum, $B-$used as a clot-buster, $C-$Yeast, $D-$As blood-cholesterol agent

  • D

    $A-$Clostridium butylicum, $B-$As blood-cholesterol lowering agent, $C-$Yeast, $D-$used as a clot-buster

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