If $‘X’$ is a hormone which controls the carbohydrate metabolism in the body and $‘Y’$ is a hormone which controls the secretion of $‘X’$, then $'X’$ and $‘Y’$ are
Insulin and somatotrophin
Aldosterone and growth hormone
Glucocorticoid and $ACTH$ respectively
Glucocorticoid and $GHRH$
On surgical removal of pituitary gland there is fall in levels of glycocorticoids and sexcorticoids. This is due to
Development of epididymis, vas deference, seminal vesicles, prostate glands and urethra is controlled by
Assertion : Our body secretes adrenaline in intense cold.
Reason : Adrenaline raises metabolic rate
You are watching a horror movie and you notice that your heart is beating fast and mouth is dry. It is because of