If a shopkeeper wants to give $20 \%$ discount on a toy, he has to sell it for $Rs.\,300.$ If he sells it at $Rs.\,405,$ then his gain percent is
A garment company declared $15 \%$ discount for wholesale buyers. Mr. Ashish bought garments from the company for $Rs.\, 25000$ after getting discount. He fixed up the selling price of garments in such a way that he earned a profit of $8 \%$ on original company price. What is the approximate total selling price? (in $Rs.$)
The cash difference between the selling price of an article at a profit of $4 \%$ and $6 \%$ is $Rs.$ $3 .$ The ratio of the $2$ selling price is?
A fruit-seller buys $x$ guavas for $Rs.\, y$ and sells $y$ guavas for $Rs.\, x .$ If $x>y,$ then he made
A shopkeeper sold an item at $10 \%$ loss after giving a discount equal to half the marked price. The cost price of the item is......... of marked price
A manufacturer undertakes to supply $2000$ pieces of a particular component at $Rs.\, 25$ per piece. According to his estimates, even if $5 \%$ fail to pass the quality tests, then he will make a profit of $25 \% .$ However, as it turned out, $50 \%$ of the components were rejected. What is the loss to the manufacturer ? (in $Rs.$)