In ecological pyramid the base always represent the $...A...$ and the apex represents $...B...$ Here $A$ and $B$ represents
$A-$producers; $B-$top level consumers
$A-$top level consumer; $B-$producers
$A-$producers; $B-$secondary consumers
$A-$producers; $B-$primary consumers
When man eats fish which feeds onzooplanktons which have eaten small plants,the producer in this chain is
How many sentence are correct?
$(1)$ The trophic levels in $GFC$ are unlimited
$(2)$ Organisms at each trophic level depend on those at the higher trophic level for their energy demands.
$(3)$ Plants capture only $2 -10$ percent of $PAR$.
$(4)$ All organisms are dependent for their food on producers, either directly or indirectly.
Organisms living in open sea are called
The dominant second trophic level, in a lake ecosystem, is
In a pond ecosystem, benthos means