In eukaryotes, $RNA$ polymerase $III$ catalyses the synthesis of
$5 \;S rRNA,\; tRNA \;\&\; SnRNA$
$mRNA,\; HnRNA \;\& \;SnRNA$
$28\;\; S rRNA, 18 \;S rRNA \;\& \;5 S rRNA$
All types of $rRNA \;\&\; tRNA$
Process of reverse transcription was discovered by Temin in
Clover leaf secondary structure of $tRNA$ has a loop for
Genes located at the same locus of chromosomes are called
Repetitive sequences are stretches of $DNA$ with repeated bases many times in a genome, but
$(a)$ These sequences are of no transcriptional function
$(b)$ These are associated with euchromatin region
$(c)$ These helps to identify a person on the basis of its $DNA$ specificity
Hereditary element may be attached to chromosome or found free in cytoplasm is called