In Hardy-Weinberg principle expression of allele frequency is represented by
$|q+p|\langle q-p|$
$p^{2}+2 p q+q^{2}=1$
Both $(b)$ and $(c)$
Which one of the following factor do not allows Hardy-Weinberg principle to operate?
Define gene pool.
According to Hardy-Weinberg principle, allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influences. It makes several assumptions which were given below.
$i.$ Random Mating
$ii.$ Sexual Reproduction
$iii.$ Non-overlapping Generations
$iv.$ Occurrence of Natural Selection
$v.$ Small size of population
Identify two assumptions which do not meet for a population to reach Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?
A population is in Hardy- weinberg equilibrium for a gene with only two alleles. If the gene frequency of an allele $A$ is $0.7$, the genotype frequency of $Aa$ is
According to the Darwin's theory of evolution, differences between the species occurs due to