In these questions, two equations mabered $I$ and $II$ are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option..
$I$. $6 x^{2}+19 x+15=0$
$II$.$3 y^{2}+11 y+10=0$
If $x>y$
If $x \geq y$
If $x< y$
If relationship between $x$ and $y$ cannot be determined
A man buys an article for $Rs.\;27.50$ and sells it for $Rs.\, 28.60.$ Find the gain percent?
A shopkeeper sold some article at the rate of $Rs.\, 35$ per article and earned profit of $40 \% .$ At what price each article should have been sold so that profit of $60 \%$ was earned. in$Rs.$
The cost price of an article is $64 \%$ of the marked price. The gain percentage after allowing a discount of $12 \%$ on the marked price is........$\%$
Some articles were bought at $6$ articles for $Rs.\,5$ and sold at $5$ articles for $Rs.$ $6 .$ Gain percent is
Two toys are sold at $Rs.\,504$ each. One toy brings the dealer a gain of $12 \%$ and the other a loss of $4 \%$. The gain or loss per cent by selling both the toys is