In these questions, two equations mabered $I$ and $II$ are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option.
$I.$ $2 x^{2}-11 x+15=0$
$II$. $2 y^{2}-11 y+14=0$
If $x>y$
If $x \geq y$
If $x< y$
If relationship between $x$ and $y$ cannot be determined
By selling $100$ oranges, a vendor gains the selling price of $20$ oranges. He gain percent is
cost price of $100$ books is equal to the selling price of $60$ books. The gain percentage or less percentage is
Seema purchased an item for $Rs.\, 9600$ and sold it for loss of $5$ percent. From that money she purchased another item and sold it for gain of $5$ percent. What is her overall gain/loss?
At what price should a shopkeeper mark a radio that costs him $Rs.\,1200$ in order that he may offer a discount of $20 \%$ on the marked price and still make a profit of $25 \% ? \quad$
The list price of an article at a showroom is $Rs.\, 2000$ and it is being sold at successive discounts of $20 \%$ and $10 \% .$ Its net selling price will be (in $Rs.$)