In which characters air pollinated flowers differ from insect pollinated ones
Due to small parianth and sticky pollen
Small coloured parianth and heavy pollen grains
Coloured parianth and large pollen grains
Without parianth and light pollen grains
The pollination which occurs in one plant is
Which one of the following pollinations is autogamous?
Which of the following plant possess the flower on their rhizome ?
Contrivances for self pollination are
Match the following
Column $- I$ | Column $- II$ |
$(1)$ Grasses | $(P)$ Prevent autogamy and geitonogamy |
$(2)$ Hydrilla | $(Q)$ Wind pollination |
$(3)$ Cleistogamous flower | $(R)$ Water pollination |
$(4)$ Papaya | $(S)$ Auto gamy |