In which of following option is wrong about stability of diatomic molecules
$N_2 > N_2^+ > N_2^-$
$O_2^{+2} > O^+_2 > O_2$
$N_2^+ > N_2 > N_2^-$
$O_2^{+2} > O_2 > O_2^{-2}$
Number of lone pair (s) of electrons on central atom and the shape of $BrF _{3}$ molecule respectively, are ..... .
"Isoelectronic molecules and ions have identical bond orders." Explain by examples.
Which of the following molecular orbitals has two nodal planes
The correct order for $O-O$ bond length in given substance is
$I.$ $H_2O_2$ $II.$ $O_2$ $III.$ $O_3$
Which of the configuration is correct :-