In which of the following colourblindness is inherited
In males only
In females only
In both males and females
In none of the above
A normal visioned woman, whose father is colour blind, marries a normal visioned man. What would be probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind ? Explain with the help of a pedigree chart.
If a boy's father has haemophilia and his mother has one gene for haemophilia; what is the chance that the boy will inherit the disease
A normal woman whose father was colourblind marries a normal man. What kinds of children would be expected and in what proportion
Following characters are indicate
$(i)$ presence of sickle - shaped $RBC$
$(ii)$ Blood not clot, non stop bleeding
$(iii)$ The heterozygous female transmit the disease to sons.
$(iv)$ Both heterozygous parents transmit the disease to offspring
A woman with normal vision, but whose father was colour blind, marries a colour blind man. Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy. Thus boy