Justify the statement, “Mitochondria are power houses of the cell”.

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Prokaryotic cell  Eukaryotic cell
$(1)$ It lacks organized nucleus.  $(1)$ It possesses organized nucleus.
$(2)$ Nuclear membrane is not seen.  $(2)$ Nuclear membrane is seen.
$(3)$ DNA does not form complex with Histone protein. $(3)$ DNA forms complex with Histone  Membrane bound organelles are not seen.
$(4)$ Membrane bound organelles are not seen like mitochondria $(4)$  It possesses membrane bound chloroplasts
$(5)$ Cytoplasmic movement is not seen. $(5)$ Cytoplasmic movements are observed.
$(6)$ Cell division is not like meiosis or mitosis. $(6)$ Cell division is like meiosis or mitosis.


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  • [AIEEE 2003]