Labourer is related to wages in the same way enterpreneur is related to..........
Choose the correct alternative for the given relation.
Good : Bad : : Virtue : ?
Choose the correct alternative for the given relation.
Agreement : Dissent
Choose the correct alternative for the word belongs to the same group.
Which of the following is the same as Sial, Sima, Mantle ?
Choose the correct alternative for the given relation.
$I$ : Dog : : $II$ : Goat
$I$ | $(A)$ Bitch | $(B)$ Puppy | $(C)$ Cat | $(D)$ Colt |
$II$ | $(P)$ Lamb | $(Q)$ Cub | $(R)$ Pony | $(S)$ Farrow |
Choose the correct alternative for the given relation.
Identity : Anonymity