Match following columns.

Column $- I$ Column $- II$
$(a)$ Cross breeding $(x)$ Jaya, Ratna
$(b)$ Interspecific hybridization $(y)$ Saccharum barberi
$(c)$ Better - yielding semi - dwarf varieties $(z)$ Hirsadale
$(d)$ South Indian variety of sugar cane $(w)$ Mule
$(v)$ Saccharum officinarum

  • A

    $a-x, b-z, c-y, d-v$

  • B

    $a-z, b-w, c-x, d-v$

  • C

    $a-z, b-w, c-x, d-y$

  • D

    $a-x, b-y, c-z, d-w$

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